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The President's update on Gluten-Free Products, November 23rd, 2017

A Word from Barry Sendel, our President, on Gluten-Free Products The President's update

Could gluten-free diets be harmful? Could they even contribute to diabetes or other ailments? For those without celiac disease, that is possible, according to a blurb in The Week earlier this year, referencing a study originally posted on
In the March 31, 2017 issue of The Week, the magazine summarizes:
"[Researchers at Harvard University] found that nearly 16,000 [of the 200,000 people surveyed over 3 decades] had developed type 2 diabetes and that those who ate the most gluten had a 13 percent lower risk of developing the disease than those who ate the least. It's unclear why gluten intake affects diabetes risk, but the study's authors suggest people who eat glutinous grains such as wheat, barley, and rye also consume more fiber and other micronutrients, which could have a protective effect against the disease."
If that weren't bad enough, another article posted by The Week claims that an unnecessary gluten-free diet could actually raise the risk of obesity (This is why our president doesn't jump on the bandwagon of gluten-free products). In any case, gluten free products don't appear to be any kind of so-called "magic bullet" for a healthy lifestyle. For individuals without celiac disease, replacing products with gluten with gluten-free alternatives might actually be detrimental to one's health.

As Barry Sendel, Chef 5 Minute Meals Founder and CEO, has stated previously, Chef 5 Minute Meals isn't ready to hop on the gluten-free train until healthy gluten alternatives are produced. Chef 5 Minute Meals does not wish to present gluten-free options as intrinsically healthy, when there is not much evidence to support such claims. CMM Strives to create a healthy, shelf-stable, self-heating meal solution that neither skimps on flavor nor nutrition. While individuals with Celiac disease have a legitimate need to limit their gluten intake, Our Founder does not wish to hop on the bandwagon of marketing meals that provide no observable health benefits for the majority of people as healthy, especially when they might in fact be detrimental for most of our customer base.

Our Founder will continue to monitor the situation on gluten alternatives and their effects on diet and nutrition and continue to lead in manufacturing healthy, pre-cooked, ready-to-eat comfort meals for any situation and will continue to update our readers on the side-effects of gluten-free products. See previous post on this subject:

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